No Recession for Nutritional Adventurers

26 Aug

No Recession for Nutritional Adventurers

All summer we have witnessed the awkward shuffling of the economy, uncertain of which way to go. Well, for health enthusiasts there is a bright spot. The race is still on for better nutritional products – from the search for novel superfruits to the development of powerful new botanical drugs. From our vantage point, a growing number of companies are ramping up their efforts to bring new and improved nutritional products and services to market.

Here’s a snapshot:

A botanical pioneer pursues new equatorial superfruit! We are Total ORAC experts and have advised many companies on using advanced testing programs to differentiate products. We’ve seen a lot of superfruits float under the bridge. This one takes the prize, with Total ORAC values significantly higher than acai. Next, we will be investigating its efficacy at the cellular level.

A South American agricultural concern has received significant investment backing to develop superfruit cultivation and processing to meet increasing global demand. We will be advising on a comprehensive science program to showcase product performance and on U.S. market channels.

A premier U.S. CRO has developed new analytical methods that advance efficacy testing for food and nutrition products. These unique methods make it possible to investigate the effects of food products on critical areas of human health, such as inflammation, oxidation, and glycation using pre-clinical, cell-based tools. We are working with the lab to market these new offerings.

A specialty U.S. contract manufacturer of consumer nutritional and skin care products has launched a new non-profit company to support cancer patients and their families. We are working with the company to design world class new products based on the latest developments in novel botanical ingredients.

A premium nutritional products growth company wants to leverage the remarkable Total ORAC results on its broad-spectrum antioxidant product line. We are working with the company to add value through concise, accurate and compelling product messaging.

Stay tuned and let us know if you need creative assistance with your nutritional product strategy.

News Alert!

Time sensitive. We have access to supplies of premium Chilean maqui freeze-dried powder (FDP) at cost-plus pricing for a limited time only. This FDP is produced mostly from Region 10 maqui in Patagonia.

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